
Letters to mini me 📝

Dear Thandi, Not knowing what to do with your life is normal. You are not the only person who will struggle with what you want to study or what industry you should get into… Trust me. I know you are probably stressing and looking at everyone around you to see if they MIGHT have something…


🛤 Rough roads of Friendship 💁

Friendship is a word I don’t take lightly. Those who know me, know that they have a friend for life. Different from family love, which is not chosen but accepted, develops like moss on the slippery edges of a creek. Friendship emerges, one-day acquaintance graduates into friendship. Love being the diploma. 💓 Growing up I never…


2017 /riːˈkap

Hello everybody, Sanibonani, BonJour Welcome back to my blog. If it is your first time welcome to The Watkins Empire this is where we share our life and journey with you.