
God’s appointed time ⌚️

Hello everyone, Sanibonani, BonJour and welcome back to our site.

By God’s grace, I was given the privilege and honour of preaching at a small church here in Vancouver. It was the youth and young adult session this past Sunday and I wanted to share with you what I actually spoke about as this is the season I am currently in but God has been so faithful, and I hope this blesses and challenges you.

I spoke about God’s appointed time. ⌚️

Those of you who know me well, know that I am control freak and letting go of things that I have planned to happen is always a crisis in my life. Of course, I had a plan growing up; I would finish high school, go to varsity study my 4-year degree, complete my honours and start working – even though I had no idea what it was I wanted to do.

After working for 3 years I would eventually start my own business doing what I am passionate about and eventually do my MBL, obviously, I would be married by then.

Let me say only about 40% of that plan has happened, I finished high school and I got married, and I am still studying 6 years later 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but God is faithful.

I look at the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis where Sarah was barren and Abraham had received this promise that was bigger than He could ever imagine but it took FOREVER to be fulfilled.

God first gave Abraham (and Sarah) the promise in Genesis 12 – Abraham was already 75 and Sarah was 65yrs old, that promise was only fulfilled 25 years later when they were well into their 100’s 😲😳😲😳 in Genesis 18.

A lot happened in between those 2 chapters (you should read the full story for context #justsaying) but this story and the season I was in made this verse come to life because during the waiting and frustration I was going through I had decided to put a due date and expiration date on the promise that God had given me.

When we start giving God deadlines and ultimatums it’s not going to go well for you lol, because;  

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55v8-9

The word of God also says in Galatians 4v4,

4 “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,

5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

God waited for the right time to send His son to die for us, I am sorry if God waited for the right time, who am I that I should get upset because my appointed time and season has not yet arrived?

Sarah made the mistake of not trusting God enough to wait and rushed the process, she asked Abraham to sleep with Hagar (their maidservant) and Ishmael was born but he was not the son of promise. Isaac was. And from Isaac came the lineage of Jesus.

But in Hebrews 11v11 it says;

“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged Him faithful who had promised. 12 Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.”

What I am learning currently and hopefully will be an encouragement to you all is to strengthen our womb of? faith, stay in the word – Judge Him faithful who has promised so that we can be strengthened to birth the seed of promise that God has given us.

So to every promise, every dream, every idea that you have given up on, that is laying dormant right now, in the name of Jesus I pray that He would breathe life into it. That the Lord would give you grace and favour to keep believing and that every resource and finance that you need would come to you without delay.

May you judge Him faithful who has promised. 

XoXo 💋

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