

Introducing myself has always been something that is so awkward for me. What do you say after saying, “Hello, I’m Mrs. Watkins? Nice to meet you”?

I really don’t do well with introductions or small talk in general. I always find talking about the weather or how good my food is, are all things that seem obvious.

Why would I mention that it is ‘quite cold outside’ when it’s obviously winter and windy or rainy? 🙂

Greetings, meeting new people, introductions is always an interesting process, because most of the time we have judged the other person’s appearance, or the way they walk, talk etc before they have had the chance to redeem themselves from whatever you think is wrong, bad or misplaced.

I hope that my words raise more questions (because that’s how communication works), bring some hope and light to both our situations – because I believe we can all learn from each other and hopefully laugh a little.

With that being said, I am Mrs. Watkins married to Mr. Watkins – together we are called The Watkai family. We are both down with the swirl and love celebrating other couples who are in interracial relationships as well. We are originally from South Africa.

What we Love:

  • We LOVE the Lord, and are so blessed and honoured to be alive and awakened to His glory at such a time as this
  • We LOVE food, trying new things (more hubby than me, but with a little convincing I am down)
  • I LOVE contemporary romance novels. He loves science fiction and fantasy
  • We LOVE being different and traveling the path less traveled

I would like to meet and have a few awkward conversations with you because life is more interesting that way.

Journey with me as I journey through life.

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